Art showcase
Featured Artist: Lia Pas
Saskatoon-based multidisciplinary artist Lia Pas (she/her) developed ME/CFS after contracting a virus in 2015. Previously active as a composer/librettist, dancer, vocalist and instrumentalist, she found herself struggling to read, speak, or even listen to music. To keep creating, she turned to embroidery – and eight years later is renowned for her hand-embroidered creations, which take months to create and often illustrate the “invisible” neurological symptoms of ME/CFS.
“It is well known that most autoimmune diseases affect women more often than men, and fibre arts… have long been considered “women’s work” and not always taken seriously as art in the West. I am a woman illustrating my disease, my invisible symptoms, in a medium that has been kept alive by women… If I must create slowly, then let the slowness be a meditation, let the quiet be a source of introspection, let the threads of my symptoms express themselves in thread on linen.”
Click on each art piece below to view a full-sized version, image description, and insights from the artist.
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Created on Treaty 6 territory – the traditional lands of the Cree, Saulteaux, Dene, Dakota, Lakota, and Nakota nations, and homeland of the Métis.