Benefit + Awareness Month
Music & Videos
Enjoy classical music wherever you are! Check out the studio singles and Opera Treats videos from Opera Mariposa’s past Benefit + Awareness Months – and save the date for THREE premieres this May! Also be sure to subscribe to Opera Mariposa’s YouTube channel, to catch new releases whenever they drop.
Access: Free, paid and by-donation options. Videos include captioning. Music is accompanied by lyrics and translations.
100% of proceeds from studio singles support the ME | FM Society of BC.

Mini Concerts & Music Videos
Studio singles
Stream or download exclusive tracks in support of the ME | FM Society of BC
Our co-founders talk chronic illness
Join Opera Mariposa’s Robin Hahn and Jacqueline Ko in conversation as Jacqueline discusses her journey as an opera singer living with ME/CFS. First released for our 2021 Benefit + Awareness Month.
Content warning: Discussion of symptoms, ableism, disability grief
Enjoy more Benefit + Awareness programming
Discover our other digital offerings for May Awareness Month